Teen pregnancy prevention programs are a major focus of
CER’s evaluation efforts. CER is working both in research and
development of new teen pregnancy prevention programs.
Currently CER is evaluating a large teen pregnancy prevention
program that includes a risk and protective factor survey and
interviews with all teen parents in a three county region. CER
is using the data to help stakeholders make evidence-based
decisions about curriculum and other prevention efforts.
During the planning process, CER evaluators identify
each activity and create corresponding benchmarks and
outcomes that are both measurable and attainable.
Why CER?
There are several model teen pregnancy
prevention programs. CER helps programs
select, implement, and evaluate the
program that best fits their community.
CER creates logic models and
accompanying indicators to assist teen
pregnancy prevention programs focus their
Center for Evaluation and Research, LLC
P.O. Box 990063 Redding, CA 96099 | Phone: 530-215-3119
Email: info@ceronline.com